This blog is an in progress photo document of my transition from civilian wife to military wife.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 72

very proud of my first photo shoot in my finished home studio

Behold the sunburnt browless wonder.

Today I had a yard sale and a photoshoot.  I got a sunburnt nose and amazing photos of my aspiring model friend.  Rewarding day. 

Day 71

Sarah had to see her "history crush," Tommy J.  My legs almost fell of from all the walking we had done by that point, but Sarah was happy. :)

an elevator the size of my bedroom

ah the cherry blossoms

Vanna White-house...Get it? xD

I kept falling behind because I take too many pictures.  The cherry blossoms were gorgeous!

illegally taken snapshot!

brave birdies

Mark Rothko

silly in the sculpture garden

Did I mention I saw the president in DC?

The living hallway was so much fun!

Today was our class trip to DC.  I visited the National Gallery, the Hischorne, and the sculpture gardens.  I also walked in the freezing cold all day long, missed Buddy, and didn't get dinner.  All in all, it was a great though.  I got to hang out with my friends the whole time and look at art.You can't beat that!  The coolest thing I saw all day was a video by Sophie Greenberg called "Black Box."  It was about consumerism, and it was genius.  Look it up!

Day 70

Jelly Bellies are the devil.  They're delicious, addictive, and fattening.  At least their name is fitting.

Day 69

Have I ever mentioned that I live next door to my granny, who just so happens to be my B.F.F.?  Well, I do.  Today we painted our toenails.  She has an interesting approach.

Day 68


Day 67

His & Hers